The standard distance between railroad rails in the United States is derived from the spacing of Roman war chariot wheels and influenced a design feature of the NASA space shuttle.
Forgiveness is the only way to live, and this monster-hunter can describe it to you.
The dominant mark of the early Christian church was its surpassing care for the poor and the sick. Motherhood epitomizes that spirit of giving everything you can to help and provide for someone in need. Give a gift to the World Needs Fund in honor of Mother’s Day.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is known for deep ties between over 20 movies and various TV shows. The texts of the Bible are constructed in just the same way, except these deep ties are accomplished by hundreds of writers across thousands of years. It is truly amazing!
The most important question in all human history is: Did Jesus really rise from the dead? The resurrection accounts explain a number of historical facts that otherwise have no reasonable explanation. All in all, the resurrection of Jesus is one of the best supported events of ancient history.
On Maundy Thursday, the church recalls the events of Jesus’ life the day before he was crucified.
Good Friday is the most solemn of all days in the Christian church year. But the English title “Good” Friday reflects the joy of Christ’s completed act of redemption.
"I believe I can be just as good a Christian outside the church as I can be inside it."
The dictionary defines the word ‘excuse’ with “to make allowance for; overlook.” Lent is a season of special self-examination, of finding our excuses and confessing them.
“People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered; Forgive them anyway” (-Mother Theresa).
Over the last four years, the Baby Shark song on YouTube has been watched over 7.8 billion times. The song takes out the teeth and the terror and turns deadly sharks into harmless nonsense.