Tragedy — Pastors' Blog — King of Grace Lutheran Church and School

Pastors' BlogPastors'Blog

Israeli/Hamas conflict

God has vowed that man’s violence or human terror does NOT get the final word in the story he is unfolding. His promise to deliver his people from violence isn’t fulfilled by human governments, nor does it await favorable historical conditions, but it depends directly and solely on the act, timing, and will of God.

Forgiving As Forgiven

What does Jesus mean in Matthew 6:14–15 when he says that if we do not forgive others, neither will the Father forgive us? If my mother died not forgiving a certain man, is she not saved?

Baby Shark

Over the last four years, the Baby Shark song on YouTube has been watched over 7.8 billion times. The song takes out the teeth and the terror and turns deadly sharks into harmless nonsense.

Christian Tribalism

Pockets of unhealthy tribalism based on shared offenses are tearing U.S. unity apart. But tribalism has potential to be a good thing. We need the new way of Jesus—one tribe of followers, spread across all nations and cultures.

How Long, O Lord?

My friend is at home in bed, dying of cancer. Why does God let it go on so long?

Persecution and Comfort

Which is a bigger threat to your Christian faith: persecution or comfort?

Notre-Dame burning

We witnessed the tragic burning of Notre-Dame in Paris this week. Its construction was begun 859 years ago and took 100 years to complete.

Avengers: Infinity War

The new Avengers movie will be released soon, at the end of April. It will be part two of “Avengers: Infinity War” released last year. The villain of the movies is Thanos (the word for ‘Death’ in Greek). In last year’s movie …

In China, new religious laws have made it a lot harder for Christians to gather. There is now a list of nine Chinese government rules that are being strictly enforced for all registered, legal churches.

You may be scared to come to church next week. You may be angry that this could happen. You may be sad for the families and friends in that community. You may be worried about safety. I understand.
