♫ Doo doo doo doo doo doo ♫

Over the last four years, the Baby Shark song on YouTube has been watched over 7.8 billion times. It began as a funny little children’s song, but has become a superhit—to the delight of many and the chagrin of some.

This video is not at all like other videos about sharks—the videos, documentaries, and movies that show sharks as terrifying creatures that suddenly attack out of the dark. The song takes out the teeth and the terror and turns deadly sharks into harmless nonsense.

Did you know Jesus has done exactly that to Death itself? He has taken out Death’s teeth and terror and turned it into harmless nonsense for his followers. He entered into the mouth of Death, stayed there for three days, and then came out again. Rather than Death swallowing Jesus it was the other way around, and Jesus has swallowed up Death in his victorious resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:54–55). But he is only the firstfruits of a harvest of many resurrections. He came first, and has guaranteed that we will follow him.

Jesus has replaced the terror of Death with a fun, gleeful little song:

Where, O Death, is your victory?
Where, O Death, is your sting?

Safe at last.

♫ Doo doo doo doo doo doo ♫
