Many different meanings have been given to the four candles and the other parts of the wreath. None are right or wrong. Here is one common interpretation of the meaning of the various parts of the Advent wreath.
Many different meanings have been given to the four candles and the other parts of the wreath. None are right or wrong. Here is one common interpretation of the meaning of the various parts of the Advent wreath.
The Luther seal or Luther rose has become familiar to almost all Lutherans. The seal is important because it is a depiction of Luther’s theology. Luther gave this explanation of it in a letter dated July 8, 1530.
Tags: Reformation, History, Symbolism
Verbum Domini Manet in Aeternum (The Word of the Lord Endures Forever) is the motto of the Lutheran Reformation, a confident expression of the enduring power and authority of God’s Word. The motto is based on 1 Peter 1:24–25.
Tags: Reformation, History, Symbolism