A World in Need

The events of the past year have made one thing crystal clear: our world is all connected. We watched as a virus spread and brought suffering and sadness to every nation around the globe. We also know from the Bible that sin spread throughout the world, and so there is no corner of the globe that doesn’t need a helping hand from time to time.

As we approach Mother’s Day, we thank God for giving us a shining example of love and care. Motherhood epitomizes that spirit of giving everything you can to help and provide for someone in need. The dominant mark of the early Christian church was its surpassing care for the poor and the sick, and still today God calls on Christians to show the love of Christ to those in our communities, our nations, and also around the world.

Through our ELS World Needs Fund we have been able to show God’s love and care by helping people overcome flooding in the jungle, offsetting the costs of medical emergencies in India, helping people pick up the pieces after a devastating hurricane, or just helping families get through a difficult time. With our offerings we can extend our love and care for others far beyond our own personal reach.

Give a gift to the World Needs Fund in honor of Mother’s Day at www.els.org/donate. Or bring your offering to church on Sunday and we will forward it for you.

Mother’s Day is a time to thank God for the love and care he provides through the moms in our lives. We also thank God and pray for the continued love and care he provides through the generous gifts from all of you.

Happy Mother’s Day!


