How to Read the Bible Like a Marvel Movie

I’ve watched five out of six episodes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe show The Falcon and The Winter Soldier. The hero Steve Rogers has retired from the title of “Captain America,” and the title has been passed on to a soldier named John Walker. But John Walker does not have the mental and moral qualities of a hero and cannot live up to the legacy. The iconic shield and the title have been stripped from him, but the final scene of episode five shows him standing at a forge, hammering out his own Captain America shield. The scene brings to mind the beginning of the entire MCU, when Tony Stark stood at a forge hammering out a suit of armor that would make him Iron Man. Without saying a word, the scene shows John Walker is a dark contrast to the great heroes.

Walker cf Stark.jpg

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is known for these deep ties between over 20 movies and various TV shows. Characters or objects that appear in passing in the background of a scene may come back with later significance in an entirely different movie. You can watch these movies individually and enjoy them, but diving in to make connections between the details increases engagement, fascination, and enjoyment even further. The technique has served to catapult Marvel into position as a major media powerhouse.

The texts of the Bible are constructed in just the same way, except these deep ties are accomplished by hundreds of writers across thousands of years. It is truly amazing! For example, in Acts chapter 3, St. Luke tells the story of Peter miraculously healing a lame man and writes, “[The healed man] entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God.” The word leap is an ancient hyperlink to Isaiah 35:6, speaking about the time when God will restore creation: “Then will the lame leap like a deer.” St. Luke wants this story to be connected to that other story, deepening the impact and meaning of them both. God’s restoration is happening right there!

Just like in the Marvel movies or shows, even if you completely miss the connection you can still enjoy and understand the story. But diving in by re-watching and discussing the show to make those connections between the details increases the impact and meaning. You might pick up that hint on your own, or you may discover it in conversation with another fan, or you may read about it from a commentator on a website. Some fans even go so far as to watch the video one frame at a time, looking for hints and clues! That’s what Bible nerds do too! And the more you go to that level, the more you love it.

If you put in the time and attention, the Bible really is as cool as the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Go ahead and nerd out on the Bible; you won't be alone!
