“They lie on the table side by side, the Holy Bible and the TV guide.”
Urging Christians on a Sunday morning, “Tell your friends about Jesus!” probably just makes them feel guilty, overwhelmed, and disheartened. How can you do it?
The CDC recommends humming “Happy Birthday” while you wash your hands. But how about singing a Christmas hymn to yourself instead?
We are all disciples. The question is, Whose words are we following?
Is it realistic these on-demand days for churches to expect people to show up at a certain place at a certain time?
This week is the conclusion of our three-week survey of the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, recounting the third return of the Israelites exiles under the leadership of Nehemiah. After the first two weeks, we are primed not to be fooled by the high expectations set at the beginning of the story.
Our three-week worship series on Ezra and Nehemiah continues at King of Grace. Read about Ezra, chapters 7–10 this week.
This week during worship at King of Grace we are beginning a three-week survey of the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. Read about Ezra, chapters 1–6 this week.
“God said to him, ‘You fool! You will die this very night. Then who will get everything you worked for?’” (Luke 12:20).
These two sisters are a picture of the two necessary sides of the mature Christ life: the active life and the contemplative life. We know how to be busy. But how should we meditate?