The Church Season of Christmas

During December we anticipated our Lord’s coming; now we celebrate that God-in-the-flesh (Latin: incarnate) has been born to us.

At Christmas we celebrate Christ’s three-fold birth: (1) from eternity he is the only-Begotten of the Father; (2) long ago he was born in Bethlehem of the virgin; and (3) now he is born through the waters of baptism in our hearts today. As Mary gave birth to God’s Son by the Holy Spirit, so the church gives birth to sons and daughters of God by that same Holy Spirit.

The Christmas season begins on December 25th and lasts until the next Christian festival, Epiphany on January 6th—twelve days. While retail stores have already put all their Christmas decorations and candy on clearance, Christians continue celebrating. Since it is still Christmas, the Advent wreath may remain if you have one with all five candles lit. The Christmas tree and nativity can also stay set up.
